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Re: What does your forums' name mean?

@greenpea What? Where? When????

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Are you referring to my saying that I sat enthralled to the end of your story @greenpea? 😕


I DID!! It was gorgeous, uplifting and cheerful. I sincerely smiled all the way through. And a delightful name origin.

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

@Historylover  My apologies. It is just that when I wrote it I thought it was ordinary and average nothing special. Again my apologies.🙂

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

All good, dear @greenpea. It brought a much needed smile of delight to my face. He is quite a story teller and writer. 


I hope you're OK today, my friend. Sending best wishes. ❤️

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

@Historylover   wishing you a kind and caring evening my friend😘

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Forum name = Determined 

Because when I landed here entering into  major crisis for our family (major breakdown for my wife, aka my Darling) and I was 'Determined' to not give up and run away.  Many times that was an attractive option but here we are still chipping away and hanging on tight. 

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

@Sans911  I havent seen you in ages good to see you xxx

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

hey @greenpea

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

@Sans911 😃💚

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

@TAB  Good morning TABs 😃

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