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Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Yep @tyme yeah cant bear Power Rangers lol

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Lol. Definitely sounds like we have different tastes then! @TAB 

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Myep @tyme lol
I think I have good taste ok plus am 1962 model re choices lol

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Gorgeous story @greenpea. I sat enthralled to the end. Cheers.

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

@tyme @TAB @Shaz51 - mine used to be Candydipper as I used to love candy and now I’ve changed it to this because I feel like I can be abit fluttering on the forums and I can be shy! 

tagging @Peregrinefalcon @Jynx @Oaktree @BPDSurvivor @Former-Member @Emelia8 @Zoe7 @Eve7 @Lee82 @Bellarose75 @Anastasia @jem80 @Wanderer @Owlunar@pisces_1  - what do your usernames mean

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

love your new profile name and picture @Fluttershy1 xxoo

mine is a bit boring -- I pick an made-up nickname Shaz and the 51 is my age when I came on the forum 

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

okay Hi again @Fluttershy1  thanks for the tag 😊

Re: What does your forums' name mean?

Hi @Shaz51 ,

Peri is a mythical creature of Persian origin, a winged creature of great beauty.  That is not why I chose it, apparently it also means dweller of a pear tree. I like that better, but I chose because of a connection to my mother and something we once talked about.


Re: What does your forums' name mean?


Re: What does your forums' name mean?

@Historylover  are you being sarcastic? ....

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