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Extreme sensitivity

Hey everyone my names Nikki,  I'm 18 and I've struggled with depression and have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder,  post traumatic stress disorder and had a psychosis in June due to trauma and drug addiction,  I'm clean now but I still struggle with trying to figure out whats real and what's not , I don't have a job,  I don't go to school,  I don't have any friends and I deleted all my social media , I'm quite lonely and lately I feel more sensitive then usual. I guess writing this is helping because I have no support from mental health because they have refused trauma treatment risking another psychosis relapse. I don't have a psychologist because they keep leaving and only just recently moved me into the adult section from youth. And I guess I was promised so much support from family and services and little am I receiving it. I'm just scared because I feel as though I just got my voice back and it's gone again,  lately when I've been sleeping I am half asleep and half awake and I start hearing voices and I haven't told anyone. It's hard to open my eyes outside because the sun hurts my head and feels like its melting my body. 


I guess I just need some friendly advice 



Re: Extreme sensitivity

Hi and welcome @Nikki222

I'm sorry you find yourself in this sad situation. Posting on Sane is a good way to connect with other sufferers and express your concerns; giving your 'voice' a place to be heard. I'm glad you've let social media go as it can be so triggering.


Hearing voices is something you really need to discuss with your MH team as early intervention is 'always' a positive step in the right direction. The more information you give them, the better they can support you with treatment options.


I hear in your words how scared you are too; that's totally understandable. You're very young with your life ahead of you, so learning to cope will serve you well for your future. Trust those amazing professionals because they're experienced, care about your well-being and want what's best for you.


Yes, psych's come and go. It's an unfortunate reality in the psychology field. I'm lucky as I've found one who runs her own businesss. They're few and far between but very expensive.


Please take care and maybe we can talk soon;

Hope xo Heart

Re: Extreme sensitivity

Hi @Nikki222 welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. There are lots of great people here who understand. I had a psychotic episode before being diagnosed with Bipolar 1 in my 40s. The sense of not knowing what's real and what isn't is really scary and unsettling. And Bipolar comes with sensitivity that's pretty full on. Do you have a good GP? One who's ok with mental illness. Finding a good one can take time but it's worth it - someone who you can talk to honestly.

Take care

Re: Extreme sensitivity

hi @Nikki222

Welcome to the forum. I think I've seen on you here in the past. Either way, welcome.

Sounds like it's a tough ride for you atm.

Have you tried Sane Chat? that's a really good resource for help. You can access it from the site. It's like a chat screen and they could help you with some of these symptoms and get some clarity on what's best for you in your situation atm.

Re: Extreme sensitivity

We are a very welcoming and accepting community too @Nikki222

Re: Extreme sensitivity

hi @Nikki222 and welcome i dont have much to ad to what others have already said but wanted to welcome you and hopefully support you in your recovery journey