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Re: A strange dream and it's meaning...

Hi @Former-Member,

thanks for writing. I am so sorry to hear that you are going through a similar Christmas to me. At least we have this forum and we can share things here. For me, at least, it isn't as good as having a close friend to confide in, but it's a good second best!  But I know exactly what you mean.... it's much easier to be yourself when writing things down on a screen than it is to make a connection with someone in real life.

I'm sorry to hear that your Mum yelled at you. That must have been hurtful. My Mum was the same, but I honestly don't believe that my Mum truly hated me or anything... it's just that she was such an unhappy person and took her anger out on anyone who happened to be available. She should never have had children.

And about a year before she died, she sort of congratulated me on never having had children and said that she if she had her time over, she would not have had them either!  So I knew where I stood.

One of my friends said "You mother should never have confessed something like that to you!" But I am glad she did, because it vindicates me. She was the real problem, not me.

I wrote in my diary last night that if it hadn't been for her, I would have had a chance at a decent life without anxiety and depression. I suppose I'll never know.

I talked to my other friend last night on the phone for an hour and a half. She suffers from anxiety, too. If fact, she has been having a bit of a bad time of it lately, losing a few hours sleep in the middle of each night, because her brain won't switch off. We talked over strategies for dealing with anxiety, etc.

I said I might go to the doctor today and try and get some mild sedatives. I might also think about seeing a counsellor in the new year.  I would be such a relief for me to have someone to talk to.

Re: A strange dream and it's meaning...

Thanks, @Former-Member, 

It means a lot to me that you care. I am thinking about opening up to my husband today about how I'm feeling. I have in the past- I've told him heaps of stuff. He seems to just accept everything I say without question or hesitation. He doesn't really offer and kind of sage advice or anything. He just says "You are going to be ok" and things like that. He hugs me. He is a very accepting person.

Throughout the year I have told him how my Dad with his defeated persona really gets to me and that I don't want to spend a lot of time with Dad. I think my husband probably feels that this is odd, or that I'm being extremely sensitive? I'm not sure.

Then I tell my husband how my brother bickering with his wife makes me feel very uncomfortable- but I think it doesn't really bother my husband at all, so he probably finds it a bit hard to accept where I am coming from. But then, that's what it's like with someone else's family, isn't it? You aren't directly affected by them so much, so you just don't have that level of feeling.

He can watch a couple bickering and think 'that's just how they are'. Whereas I will be very uncomfortable, tense, looking away, trying to find a reason to leave the table, hooping that they'll leave soon, etc, etc. 

But I'm so glad I have my husband. I mean, without him, I probably would have relapsed into depression by now, for sure. 

Thanks @Former-Member


Re: A strange dream and it's meaning...

Morning @Sahara

Thank you for giving it some thought I like that you are open to exploring and believe it is possible, I believe it is for you too 🙂

Christmas Day will come and go and you'll be living in boxing day in no time. Until then managing your day by living in the moment may feel more managable? It's great to hear that you have your hubby by your side, he sounds like a good support for you. I like to pay gratitude where  and when I find it, it's a beautiful gift and costs nothing to give and receive. I wonder if your hubby and your dad know about your gratitude for them? 

Keep in touch. The forums will be here across the holiday period. Might be a nice way of accessing support and feeling more connected. 

Pebbles 🙂

Re: A strange dream and it's meaning...

Hi All,

Christmas is such a difficult time for sensitive souls isn't it? Why is that?

i think it's because of all the layers and layers of EXPECTATIONS that are foisted on us or we foist on ourselves. The imaginary happy carefree loving family time and joyous giving and unconditional Christ-like love that we are all expected to pretend to have and feel from the bottom of our hearts. Quite humorous if you think of how ridiculous that is really. Funny and sad.

Thing is, I suspect EVERYBODY feels lonely at Christmas more than any other time. And loneliness is a bugger of a thing. Much easier to tend towards distraction and entertainment and numbing out than sit with the discomfort of loneliness inside ourselves. Thank goodness we all found this forum eh? The loneliness we feel when we are surrounded by people we believe don't understand us or SEE us for who we really are can be stifling.

I read so much beautiful compassion here and pray that each of us can find the compassion for ourselves that we so readily offer to others. I think trying to stay in the moment is a great idea. Really concentrate on chopping those onions or doing that washing up 100%, and coming back to it time and again instead of following those thoughts and memories and wishes for how we'd like things to be different. And then letting ourselves off the hook when we fail to do that too!

Does that happy contented joyous loving family on the TV ads really exist? Is there such a thing? I doubt it.

Re: A strange dream and it's meaning...

Hi @Sahara

@Former-Member's post was insightful and very appreciated by me. It is that belief of feeling left out, feeling undervalued and alone, the grief triggered by the reminder of our losses and hurts that can be conjured up by this season, as it pertains to joyful happy families getting together without a care and celebrating - which for many just isn't the case. And that feeling of lonliness and disconnection is the pits........

Most families have dysfunction and problems - some worse than others. Some are closer but many do have problems. For me it's making the most of my lot and loving and be with those who love and care about me. Even if it it is only being with one, two or three. I feel blessed to have my husband with me, as like you Sahara I probably would decline into depression through grief without him. He is my rock. So good things do happen to us and I bring back my focus to that and find some cheer. That's how I cope.

Hugs speak a thousand words my friend - sometimes it's not about advice but listening and offering solace with a hug. Heals a thousand wounds. You are blessed there too.

Your dads reaction to his wife's death would be the same if I lost my partner in life. The only one who loved me in such a great way - unconditionally. I would probably be worse. Your Dad would only see the good in your mum now she is gone as his love for her is unconditional. I read what your mum said to you about not wanting to have children - I have no doubt now she regrets that statement. It would of been said in frustration and not meaning to wound, but regardless was insensitive and hurtful. And gives me a greater insight in how this has effected you. Your self esteem all these years taking a blow feeling undervalued. And this belief of perceived worthlessness  that has resulted is extending into all your relationships.

It's time now to not allow your mums flaws to define your worth my friend. And the rest of your families flaws as well. It's time to go out and find our place, your place in the world, surrounding ourselves with people who value us and our efforts. Family we choose for ourselves. It's time to find you - we all have a reason to be here and our worth is truly defined as being decent human beings and what we have to offer others that enhances their lives as well. That is in my humble opinion. That is how I get by and I have made friends like family in the process. I have helped peop,e along the way which has helped me.  I never looked for them (friends) - they turn up at the right time or when we least expect it when we put ourselves out there. When we step out and take a risk.

I truly believe @Sahara that you will do this more in the New Year and will grow within - your confidence will increase as will your self esteem. This can take time and we can experience many set backs (as you know I have extraordinary obstacles), but it's about not letting our pain, disillusionment and emotions stop us from living our ideals, purpose and interests. That how we leave a legacy and make a life. We don't need approval along the way to do this My friend - but a clear vision of our ideals/purpose with determination. That's what defines us. Not what others think, or those who lack the ability to see our value or worth.

You have much to give, much to live, much to enjoy yet as you are only starting to live. You just need to let the past go and look forward and believe this - believe in you and not let those scars stop you. I think you know what I mean. And you can do this on your own strength, you don't need alcohol, you just need faith in yourself.

Gee I don't know where that came from but I hope it made some sense for you, honestly it just comes to me.

Dont let your family rattle you, if they argue take back the reins and change the subject. Remind them that this is a day of togetherness and cheer (at least to me that's the spirit of it, the true meaning). Be determined to find those peaceful moments and relax in them on Christmas Day, seeing hope for a better tomorrow in them, a new beginning and a new you. And close the door on the hurts of the past. They are gone and dusted - this is now about finding you and liking her, loving her, nurturing her and sharing her. And believe me that's a true gift to anyone who can see. 

Am always here for you as I offer true friendship. ❤️Xxx 



Re: A strange dream and it's meaning...

@Sahara - meant to also add that when we are in the process of putting the past behind us, for some of us that means talking about it. I thought this an important point to make as I did not want my post to discourage from talking about how we are feeling which can be so important to do in order to let go. For others it's uncomfortable and they rather not I have discovered on here. But whenever you feel the need please do keep posting, keep talking.

I am going away overnight to visit family for Christmas but should be back in action Christmas evening. I hope yours turns out better than you expect @Sahara - I have a feeling that you will enjoy parts of the day 🙂 Hugs 💕

Re: A strange dream and it's meaning...

Thanks @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Former-Member,

I do feel much better tonight. Today has not been too bad - we did not have too much to do today. 

Yes, you are right @Former-Member, I do feel the need to keep talking about things and I plan to do that here. Thanks for writing such kind words... your thoughts really bought a tear to my eye. 

Yes, @Former-Member, it's silly to have high expectations at Christmas... it really is just another day and it will be good, bad and indifferent.... a typical day.  

My family are Ok, I will try to appreciate them as much as I possibly can. xxxx

Hugs to all!

Re: A strange dream and it's meaning...

There is something in there about learning to live with (accept) our pain instead of wishing it would just go away. Believing in ourselves. May we all learn how to do both! Xx

Re: A strange dream and it's meaning...

Hello @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Former-Member

Hello @Sahara my friend xx  really  just another day

Re: A strange dream and it's meaning...

Thanks @Former-Member and @Shaz51 and everyone,

I am feeling ok today. I slept like 10 and a half hours! it was a good sleep... a few weird dreams, but not too scary.

I am treating today and tomorrow as just 2 more ordinary days. We have a family get-together at my place, but it's just an ordinary get-together and doesn't have to be particularly special. I will enjoy the cooking, just thinking of it as a job (my husband and I have a small business doing cooking) and nothing more. I quite like my work. It's kind of pleasant and creative. 

I will go to bed early if I want to. I will take an afternoon nap if I feel like it. I will even go for a walk to get away from everyone if I want to. 

If people squabble or bicker or say annoying things, then I will leave the room if I can. I'll say "Just have to do some laundry" or "got to go water the pot plants." I just keep busy enough that I don't have join in the conversation too much. No-one will even notice.

I'll queck in with everyone here on the forum, if I have a chance! I hope you all have uneventful Christmases!!Smiley Wink @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Former-Member  xxx Heart

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