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Self Harm Support Groups suggestions

Hi Guys

Hope every one is doing alright.

I am looking for 12 step Recovery Support Groups for people who self harm by a method of self harm.

I hit "Rock Bottom" and I am done harming myself.

I have been reading as many A.A Recovery Books to help myself.

You see I can only go Cold-Turkey for 2 months at a time from self-harm and then I relapse and there I go harming myself worse than before.

I realise I am powerless to "Self-Harm" and surrender to healing power of Higher Power. Perhaps joining A.A Support Group is next step to my evolution as a better Human being.

What are your thoughts people?


Thanks in advance,



Re: Self Harm Support Groups suggestions

Hi @Mavrixx9,

Well done on making the decision to stop and make a change.

I just posted about GROW groups which I have tried.

Whilst they aren't quite the right fit for me currently, it sounds like something you are seeking.

You can contact them to see if there is a group nearby

Good luck and I hope you can stay on the wagon.

Yours sincerely,


Re: Self Harm Support Groups suggestions

Hi @Mavrixx9. From reading your post, I would have to agree that it sounds like GROW may be a fit for you. As a self harmer myself, the path will be a very rocky struggle. Belief in yourself, or as they say in GROW, knowing that you have personal value, will be the first of many hard lessons you need to remind yourself of. Mind you, I’m still struggling with that one.

If it helps, I’m happy to be part of your cheer squad! 🙂

Re: Self Harm Support Groups suggestions

Thanks for the advice @Annabelle4 and @Rayzed_Edge

I already attend Grow support group regularly.

I am looking for a support group for my method of self harm.


Re: Self Harm Support Groups suggestions

Hi @Mavrixx9

Nice to meet you 👋🏼

It's great to hear that you're feeling really empowered to make some positive changes going forward and finding the right support to assist you on that journey is so important.

From what you mentioned, it sounds as though you're after something quite specific. I just wanted to give you a gentle reminder that disclosing specific methods of self harm is not permitted in our Community Guidelines. The reason for this is that it's important to us to make our community a safe space for everyone. While our members, will be able to provde you with general information on support groups, they won't be able to direct you to support groups for a specific method of harm. I hope that makes sense.

An idea that crossed my mind was that, perhaps you might like to chat with GROW about what your support needs are at the moment and they might be able to direct you to a particular service or group that can offer you the additional support you need at this time.

I wish you all the best with finding the right support for you 🌻


Re: Self Harm Support Groups suggestions

Thanks @Former-Member

I enquired and was told self harm support groups arent recommended. 

I got myself some help by discussing it with a Psychologist this week.

Meanwhile I am reading 12 step books on my Kindle, which is helping me at the moment.

I attended Grow, which is still very helpful.




Re: Self Harm Support Groups suggestions

I'm really glad you hear you've connected with a psychologist @Mavrixx9. Good on you for taking that step. It's great you're finding Grow helpful, and you're reading a book on recovery as well < - they're all such positive steps in the right direction and will give you a good head start in your recovery. Wish you all the best with it ☺️

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