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Re: Meeting the needs of children when a parent suffers from mental illness

Thank you for your reply @Former-Member

I had not heard of Maggie Dent but will check out the link you have provided. Thankyou.


Re: Meeting the needs of children when a parent suffers from mental illness

Sorry I cannot help. @Determined Thinking of you and your S2.


Re: Meeting the needs of children when a parent suffers from mental illness

Off to meet the Principal for S2 this afternoon, 

I am trying to plan in advance what I need/ want to say so it is objective and in everyone's best interest. 

At the base of it all though if things don't change we will have to move schools 😞  despite it being a great school. 


Re: Meeting the needs of children when a parent suffers from mental illness

Well that was a waste of time.

He was 15 min late then it was a case of is all under control what else do you want to talk about.   More than a little disappointed. 

S2 doed seem to be more content though so just a case of wait and see I guess. 

Re: Meeting the needs of children when a parent suffers from mental illness

The more I think about my meeting the more feel like I was brushed away like an annoying fly.  He had absolutely nothing to say when I said my son would rather die than go to school.

I should have been more direct in questioning about  a formal process that should be being followed as a result of our complaint. 

Re: Meeting the needs of children when a parent suffers from mental illness

@Determined, it's possible the principal felt out of his depth and didn't know what to say.
I'd probably be asking whether you could get a mental health plan and access counselling for your son via the education department. We've just been filling out paperwork for exactly that for our daughter, but I don't know if the procedures are the same in Qld. as here.

All too familiar for us. I think mental health awareness in schools is better now than it was 10 or so years ago, but it's still not always easy getting help.

Re: Meeting the needs of children when a parent suffers from mental illness

Well we now have a referral and mh plan for S2 to see a psychologist. Wait time will be about 5 weeks unfortunately but have to start somewhere. 


After being disillusioned with my perception of the school principals respons post our meeting, after a discussion with S2s teacher at the end of last week I now know he has taken our concerns very seriously and has been working to ensure that necessary supports are in place. 

Teacher has (who has just returned from sick leave) is also very much on the case and sensitive to S2s current emotional situation. I am most grateful for this. 


GP was also fantastic for him this afternoon despite him not actively engaging in the discussion. I think he is a little embarrassed by it all. 

Re: Meeting the needs of children when a parent suffers from mental illness

@Determinedi believe my parents conceived me and raised me for their own benefits. And my life and their lives separated when I realised they wanted my life to be about them. And on the other hand... I wanted my life to be about me. Essentially they pulled support from me when they realised i was not turning into who or what they wanted. And once they realised i wasn't going to support their lives in the way they initially intended me to. It became a story of 'there is something wrong'

Re: Meeting the needs of children when a parent suffers from mental illness

Sorry to hear that @eudemonism

My desire is that our boys never feel like that...

I want them to feel valued and loved no matter what. I am far from the world's greatest dad But my desire is for them to always feel safe and happy. 

Re: Meeting the needs of children when a parent suffers from mental illness

Hopefully it gives you something to think about @Determined