12-01-2024 08:50 AM
12-01-2024 08:50 AM
Hi, I am Sapphire2 and I live in NSW. I have had long term mental illnesses with Autism and ADHD. I have had issues with psychosis and dissociation.
I have recovered from long term eating disorders Anorexia for 27 years and Bulimia for 19 years. I am receiving help for my comorbid disorders over-lapping. I am receiving DBT treatment which is also called Dialectical Behavioural Therapy. So just recently I thought I relapsed into eating disorder. So I spoke to my doctor and she said "it's only a minor relapse and its not a full blown relapse".
All I want to do is recover from my mental health issues.
12-01-2024 09:41 AM
12-01-2024 09:41 AM
I have been a hard time with my mental health disorders for the past few years. In and out of hospital and just last year I started DBT which is a very intensive therapy.
I am wondering when will things get any better? Or improve? I am putting in the effort with therapy and I am doing better. As well as I am relatively new to the website. So please any feedback would be very much appreciated.
12-01-2024 02:24 PM
12-01-2024 02:24 PM
Hi @Sapphire2
Thanks for posting.. If your asking us if DBT will make you better, we don't know but we can share stories from our own lived experience.
You mentioned that you feel better and that seems to be a good start. Can I ask you what better is? When you define better, what is it about now that gets in your way of achieving better?
What I have found is most people want to get better, but what they want to achieve when they get better is able to be achieved today, they have to believe that they can do it.
12-01-2024 08:06 PM
12-01-2024 08:06 PM
Well to change my perception about getting better. It's just going to take time to recover. I think I am trying to quicken the process which is not the way to go.
I am doing DBT and I just need to be a little bit more understanding of this process. So that is why I am looking into the program you have on Thursday night. I need a bit more direction just to talk to think about what I need to do.
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