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up and down lost


Been trying to get over Anorexia and overexercise for months now, ive been to the gP and tried various psy therpies which seem to not work or frustrate me, plus they are mega expensive. I now have other physio and physical problems brought on due to my mental health. I feel like im just going back and forth and not getting anyway. GP isnt that helpful. Everything costs $$$ my body is so tired and i hate my job , i thought about quiting but i need $$ and im not sure whether im unhappy in my job due to my illness or what my job is contributing to it. 

eug... so lost. my partner has almost given up and i cant bear to tell my parents cos they been thru this a few years ago and almost broke them then. 


Re: up and down lost

hi @teslaguy and welcome
it sounds really difficult for you atm. im sorry that nothing seems to be working but it sounds like your trying your best. do you think speaking to another gp for a fresh perspective would help? a psychiatrist who specialises in medications?

unfortunatly like many people my job is a way to earn $ rather then something i love to do. would it help to have a look around at other work or even try some volunterring for something new to do?

have your parent had mental health issues as well or do you mean that you spoke to them when you first started having trouble?
Not applicable

Re: up and down lost

Hi @teslaguy,

Welcome to the forums, I'm one of the moderators. 

That sounds incredibly tough trying to recover from anorexia and feeling like what you've tried so far in treatment hasn't been the best fit for you. It sounds like you're really worried about the impact of this on your relationships. That's really tough and can feel so isolating. I hope you can find lots of support and help here on the forums. 

I also wanted to let you know about the Butterfly Foundation. They are a leading organisation in the support and treatment of eating disorders. Their national helpline is 1800 334 673. I'm wondering if they can help link you to some specialised support. 

Take care of yourself and I hope to see you more on the forums, 


Re: up and down lost

Welcome to the forums @teslaguy, we're sorry to hear about your battle with Anorexia and overexercise and can see how frustrating it must be with the cost of treatment. @Former-Member provides a great resource and we encourage you to contact them. 

What sort of work do you do?

Re: up and down lost

Hi @teslaguy 


My hubby has a secret eating disorder and exercise addiction issues, neither of which have been diagnosed yet.  He doesn’t believe he is unwell.


Please keep persevering in any way you can.  There is moral support for you here, but also practical support services on line as well.  Lean on it all and just keep going ....


We will encourage and support you in your efforts.  Eating disorders can be overcome .... don’t let this b!¥<# of a thing win !!!!