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Re: Work pressure killing me, seeking advice

Thanks @FrankyW84


After my last working day, I am heading back to my home country for a couple of weeks. I will be back in Australia by mid-February February, right before my 1st tem at univesrity begins (part-time post graduate studies). I will be seeking jobs during the day time, and attending classes in the venings from mid-February. I am looking forward to start over from scrtach, with new hope and possibilities!

Re: Work pressure killing me, seeking advice

Enjoy the break then @aficionado and enjoy catching up with your loved ones.

Re: Work pressure killing me, seeking advice

Hello everyone!


Just posting here to update my status.

I am finally done with my torturous job. Took a nice 2 week vacation, and returned to Australia last weekend.


I have just startyed my job search. It could take a while before I alnd a job, since the hiring process seems to be really slow. But the good thing is, mentally I am feeling so much better because I don't have to go back to that dreadful workplace again. Its like a release from a prisoon that I didn't know I was in!


My univesrity clsses have also started, so I am keeping myself engaged while I look for a job. As I previously mentioned, I have enough funds to live conmfortably without a job for up to 6 months. I just hope I can find something before that, because I do not want panic to set in and mess things up.


I do continue to feel lonely at times, but this has been a lingering issue for me for years. I don't bother much about it anymore.


Anyway, I'd like to thank everyone here who supported me so much. It really means a lot to me. And a special thanks to @Hope4me , who really went out of her way to keep me motivated.

Re: Work pressure killing me, seeking advice

Well hi there @aficionado;

Thankyou btw for that nice shout-out.

It seems you've had a well deserved vacation and come back raring to go. "On ya!" Welcome back to Oz, 🖐😊 the land of opportunities and great Uni's...


I know your post grad course will provide additional quality to your resume and chosen direction. As I recall, you said you might think about changing career paths? A change is as good as a holiday they say.


Can I ask what field you intend on delving into? I'm not being nosey, just wanted to add something to our conversations. My new home business is centred around a few areas; a bit of HR, counselling and advice. Later on I intend moving onto running seminars/webinars.


I hope it was lovely catching up with family/friends. Nothing like 'home' is there? 2 weeks is a good amount of time; not too long to bring up past woes, and long enough to enjoy the experience. Did you socialize much or go out on the town?


Mmm... job seeking can be tiresome, but each interview and application brings more experience leading to being better equipped for the one's that follow, especially 'the one'. Wishing you all the luck in the world with this process my friend!


Lovely to see you back 😃🥂


Take care;

Hope xo Heart


Shout-outs to @FrankyW84 @GoatV2-0 @christofff @Shaz51 


Re: Work pressure killing me, seeking advice



Wow, you really are quick to jump on and encourage people! That's an admirable trait! Thanks again!


I did have a nice relaxing vacation. I got to spend quality time with my family. Friends, not so much because I hardly have any left. Most of my so-called 'friends' abandoned me because they thought I was being sad, weird and pessimistic, and they weren't mature enough to understand BPD. Anyway, it isn't a big deal. I didn't get to socialise much, except with my extended family and a couple of friends.


The main problem I see with job seeking, is the incompetence and sometimes laziness of third party recruitment agents. I prefer to apply directly to the employers, but in my profession around 80% of the jobs are filled through these third party agents. So I am kinda forced to put up with them.


About changing my career - yes, that is on the cards but after I complete my post-graduate studies (which could take 4 years, since I am doing it part time). At the moment, I am seeking jobs in my current profession itself, but with some flexibility to help manage my condition.


I have worked for nearly 8 years as a programmer, developing both web and desktop applications. I am also currently looking out for mid to senior level programming roles. After my post graduate degree, the plan is to switch to Artificial Intelligence (it is my chosen major), which will still involve programming but in a very different context.


I am quite hopeful and optimistic as far as my career is concerned, both short and long term. I hope I can make it! I am not optimistic at all about my personal life though, but that's ok because I am now used to it, and will try to compensate by carving out a good professional career for myself.


Thanks once again for your kindess. Much appreciated!



Re: Work pressure killing me, seeking advice

Good morning @aficionado 🖐

I hope you're settling in ok with your new routine. Try to enjoy this time my friend, you mightn't get another chance to have such luxury. lol 😉


There's seasonal changes here making the temperature more comfortable which suits me. Once the cool winds come there's no going back. My home town's at its best during Autumn; mature trees adorn our streets with traditional orange, reds and golds. It really is quite beautiful.


I know what you mean about recruitment agencies. Having a middle man involved with 'anything' complicates the process, especially one that's very personal to the applicant. I haven't dealt with one before; do they interview on behalf of their client or set things up for them?


AI is an up and coming area for large organisations. I've had a lot to do with one in the past that's delving into it for the future. I hope it doesn't take off there though, it's such an impersonal way to communicate. I've dealt with a couple of online companies where I wanted to ask questions about their service and cut the connection from frustration. I know it's early days yet, so I do hope it improves with help from people like you.


Are you a movie goer Aficionado? I am. There's something you can't replace about that big screen and sitting in the dark with strangers that hasn't waned over the years for me. I've not been influenced by the advent of home theatre systems either. You just can't recreate that atmosphere at home.


Well, I hope you're enjoying your music collection during your sojourn at home; I know it's one of your loves in life.


Sending kind thoughts your way; 💌

Hope x Heart

Re: Work pressure killing me, seeking advice



Absolutely enjoying this period of my life! I haven't had a break ever since I started working full time, back in 2010. This is the perfect opportunity for me to unwind and rejuvenate, before I eventually land my next job!


Oh, the weather! I am glad to be finally getting some relief from the scorching heat! Haha! I love autumn too!


Most recruitment agents set things up for an interview between the client and the candidate. The thing is, they are mostly only concerned about their commission, so they often set you up with the wrong roles by 'selling' the role to you with exaggerated promises. And on the other end of the spectrum, you also have agents who are totally unprofessional, don't do as they say (for example, saying they will send you the job description within a day, but not sending it even after repeated follow ups) and in general treat you like a commodity. Unfortunately, these agents are the 'gatekeepers', and there is no way for you to contact the employers directly. And in my profession, nearly 90% of the jobs are handled by these agents.


You are right, AI is still in its infancy. And it is currently being tried out in areas where a human touch works much better, such as customer service. I have experienced similar frustrations as you on this. But AI does have its uses, although it isn't fully realised yet.


Movies! Yes of course! I love watching movies at the cinema. Unfortunately, movie tickets in Australia aren't cheap. Ever since I quit my job, I keep looking out for special offers and discounted tickets so that I don't have to pay full price for them.


I am certainly enjoying my music! And discovering new music as well! Apart from that, I am mostly honing my technical skills and studying my university content. In a nutshell, kinda enjoying my life after years of pain and agony, both personally and professionally.


Your kind thoughts have really made a big difference, to be honest! Thank you so much!

Re: Work pressure killing me, seeking advice

Ah, just logged in again and caught your post @aficionado 😃

Thankyou; I'm glad I can make your day more enjoyable than it might be otherwise. I enjoy our chats too. Living alone without visits from anyone, I cherish the contact I get from those who understand.


Yes! Taking it easy can be a real plus eh? Study will be much easier because of it. I know you'll slam it there seeing as you actually chose something interesting! 👍😊 I did extra to enhance job satisfaction and promotion. It didn't do anything for my ability to deal with bullies though. Course developers need to include psychological effects of employees facing workplace crisis' in every category if you ask me.


So again; enjoy the rest of your day! Have a cool one on

Hope xo Heart 👵

Re: Work pressure killing me, seeking advice



Yes, your posts certainly brighten up my days, no doubt about that!


I completely agree with you on courses needing to include tips on dealing with workplace bullies and other psychological issues that may crop up. My university does offer disability support though, which is something at least. I haven't registered for it yet, but I plan to do so eventually.


I have been pretty busy with my university work these days, especially the weekly assessments and stuff. And I'm actually enjoying it!


Hope you are having a lovely weekend! Cheers!

Re: Work pressure killing me, seeking advice

Good morning @aficionado 😊

Yes it was a good weekend, thankyou for asking. I hope yours was too.


My nephew finally broke his silence on his mental health yesterday speaking with me extensively about his situation over the past year. I've organised for both of us to attend a psychiatric assessment in the morning for him to hopefully self admit into a sub-acute ward for a week or so. Here's hoping...🤞


I'm really glad you're enjoying your studies. I must admit I miss study as that focus suits my analytic mind. I love research which I'm good at too. Choosing a course that's personally interesting makes it easier to retain new knowledge don't you think?


The weather's turning cold here so I've had to get my warm clothes and fluffy slippers out of the archives. It's more comfortable to sleep which is a huge plus.


So my friend, keep up the good work and maybe put some time aside to join a social or hobby group to get you out of the house. This is a prime time to put yourself out there and test the waters eh?


Warm thoughts;

Hope xo Heart 👵