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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Re: Let down


I am here for you. You are not doing anything wrong sweetie ❤️

You  are putting your best foot forward and taking care of your self and your baby. Trust in your self and know you are on track and certainly not alone. You are definitely a strong woman 😊🌹

Re: Let down

hugs @Serenity1  HeartHeart

hello @Nay69 , @greenpea , @Eden1919 , @Former-Member 

Re: Let down

@Serenity1  it is hard when we dont have many options. honestly if i were basing my advice only on my experience with public services i would say dont even bother as for me they have been horrible. but there is always a chance you could get someone decent. but i really would encourage private if it is possible that way you have much more control over the situation and much more choice in how things play out. if your daughter is really struggling you may want to look into private options for her although if she is school age you could ask the school if she could talk to the school counsellor althought depending on what went down in the appointments she attended you may not want the school involved if there is a chance for misunderstandings. still the public system seems to only cater to people who they deem "sick enough" which is kind of really silly because if you are sick you are sick. but still they are stretched for funds so dont deal with everyone. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Let down


Hang in there hun👍

You are a strong woman and there is nothing that you cannot conquer x

Trust in yourself. ❤️🌹

Re: Let down

Thankyou @Eden1919 I think you are right- I don't think anything too serious was spoken about as I was aware that my daughter was in the room & I was restraining myself- but from time to time I did get slightly carried away , before restraining myself again, as I was asked about past childhood trauma & abuse & it is hard to talk about that & remain calm & focused because it is so raw- but I certainly did not go deep Deep into things as I was always aware of my daughter being present-- I think mostly I just expressed how much I felt I needed support - thanks I had the same thought about the schools involvement also 😁 Thanks so much for your reply & support 💖

Re: Let down

Thankyou so much for your very kind support- I am feeling a lot better now & that definitely has a lot to do with your kind words of support & everybody else's kind words of support I have received also- this place & the people here I have interacted with is really amazing & I am very grateful to have come across you all- Thankyou so much!💖 @Nay69

Re: Let down

@Shaz51 aw Thankyou so much 💖💖
Senior Contributor

Re: Let down

You are most welcome hiun🌹

You will find many people here that can relate to what you are going through right now. You are definitely not alone and you will get through this... lean on me anytime you need x

Re: Let down

@Nay69 Wow- Thankyou so much 💖 I really appreciate your support- you are so
Sweet 😘💖xx
Senior Contributor

Re: Let down

You are most welcome 🌹
We all have issues and these forums are the perfect place to speak your mind. I have found many wonderful friends here and I love them dearly because they are always here and they don’t judge anything
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