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Re: I don’t know what to call this

Hi @Gazza75

it's great that you got some time outside! I went out for a bit today, which is a step in the right direction. Have a nice weekend.

Re: I don’t know what to call this

Hi @Teej  @MDT  @Ali11  @BryanaCamp  @Gazza75  


How are you all?

Im feeling a bit more settled because I was actually able to work on a task today and finish it, which is a huge thing for me. I always feel and see that I’m running behind in everything and it seems a never ending story. I wonder how did I manage everything when I was working and doing a million other things... 

Re: I don’t know what to call this

Small things count @Former-Member
They also build our sense of achievement and that helps us realise we can do things. Good on you my friend 🙂

Re: I don’t know what to call this

Doing good @Former-Member, thanks. Very much relate to what you said about feeling like you're running behind in everything. For some of us who are people pleasers and say yes to everything, the list can get daunting really quickly. Accomplishing things often gives us motivation to accomplish more. Every small win is a win, no matter what that may be, so feeling happy for you finishing that task today Smiley Happy

Re: I don’t know what to call this

well done on your accomplishment @Former-Member .Cat Happy


I feel good if I manage to do a load of dishes or wash my hair, it's an accomplishment.


Hope you're travelling ok this weekend? 

Re: I don’t know what to call this

Hi @Former-Member , I'm doing pretty well thanks.  A fairly nice and relaxing weekend.  I never seem to get much done between working 9-5 full time, which is a bit frustrating.  I'm glad you have been a bit more settled.  I can relate to feeling like everything is behind schedule or where I'd like it to be.

Re: I don’t know what to call this

Sometimes I just can’t see the way forward. 

Re: I don’t know what to call this


hello, how are you all?


i’ve hit rock bottom so many times that I don’t know if I ever actually did. Today was one of those days. I don’t know why I stay alive. I tried talking but feel it doesn’t matter. Today I’ve read on the internet something about chronic suicidal thoughts, what I understand it’s a feeling, like when I feel extremely overwhelmed = suicidal thoughts? So if I don’t act on a thought, I’ll be fine. What if I plan on a thought - it’s still just a thought, so I’m fine. 

Somehow it did make sense to me as I do feel suicidal when very overwhelmed, but it also scares me? 

I don’t know. A thoughts just a thought.

Re: I don’t know what to call this

Always forget tagging







Re: I don’t know what to call this

A thought is a thought @Former-Member

I find I get similar thoughts when I am over whelmed.
But always remind yourself that there is help when you need it. The internet is filled with crap these days