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Re: I can’t cope

Waiting for pic @Captain24 

Oh dear, Jett seems like he had some fun. At least he didn't swallow any of them!!


Re: I can’t cope

Oh they are cool @Captain24 

I especially love the butterfly one. I have never seen those ones before.


Re: I can’t cope

It’s the insect collection. @Snowie Some of it was fiddly but it was easier than the kingfisher. 

I’m hoping I can do more while I’m suspended. It may help distract. I need to keep myself busy and not give in to these thoughts. 


Re: I can’t cope

I’m trying to watch a movie ‘How to please a woman’ Just under the tv is Jett humping his teddy bear! 

Re: I can’t cope

D would like that collection @Captain24 


It always does help to stay busy. Keep our mind and hands occupied.

Never seen that movie. Might have to watch it.


Gee Jett sounds like he is having a busy day. Certainly sounds like he keeps himself occupied!!

Izzy is snoring atm.


Re: I can’t cope

Oh he is full on… @Snowie Definitely keeps me on my toes. He is sick a sweet little man though. 

It’s an Australian movie and only just released. 

Pixie is just wanting to sit with me. 

Re: I can’t cope

I’m bored

Re: I can’t cope

Post-Lego-frenzy blues, @Captain24

Re: I can’t cope

I guess so @Jynx. I’m watching a movie and it’s different but it’s not keeping my attention. If that makes sense. 

Re: I can’t cope

Ohhh I know the feeling @Captain24 - like I'll sometimes put on a movie I know is gonna be good, and I will still nope out after like 5 minutes. Is it cos it's a bad movie? Not even remotely - more just my brain needs more to latch onto sometimes I think. I will often just pop on a familiar fav if that's the case, something I can predict. I read somewhere (no source unfortunately) that part of the reason ND folks might re-watch the same things over n over is cos we already know how it ends, thus alleviating the anxiety of the unknown.