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Re: Does anyone want to talk

forgot to mention the puzzles had cars on them…. standard

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Great work @ArraDreaming Mrs A is lucky to have you 💕

Re: Does anyone want to talk

nah she’s a gun @Zoe7 just for a message from her to say the market is going well our oldest son is there helping tonight because it doesn’t go until very late
We think it’s good that is learning about money and working for things and stuff
He even made a sign that says “by my moms cloths 20c”

moms cloths 20c 🤣🤣🤣

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hey @RiverSeal how are you going

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hey @ArraDreaming, I'm doing pretty well thank you! Just working away and busy with TAFE assignments. How's your new job going? RiverSeal

Re: Does anyone want to talk

ahh you remembered about my job @RiverSeal!!
It’s going really well, almost a couple of months in now… which has gone fast
I really like, I like it more then my old job, I get to do different things every day and meet people, but also work at my own pace as long as it all gets down in the time frame, I am currently working with the activities team on a communal veggie garden… isnt it so cool that in a place like that you can work with all different people, I’ll put the ground work in (literally) when it comes to the building of the beds and planting with some help of some residents and they will help with getting some involvement from the residents and facilitating some activities, I will also do some workshops, but I also know there is lots of talented and experienced people in the village so they will probably be teaching me a thing or two!!!

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I sure do remember your new job @ArraDreaming it sounds so amazing and I'm really happy for you!! I built some garden beds too when I was volunteering in a community garden before I started working again. Lots of fun and very rewarding! I'm sure there are lots of talented residents who would love to help out. Keep up the great work!! RiverSeal 🙂

Re: Does anyone want to talk

What did you grow in yours @RiverSeal do you have a garden at home?
We have lots growing here!

Re: Does anyone want to talk

We used to grow different veggies for the seasons, so we had potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, basil, chilli, and so much more..... I did it for 3 years and it was a community garden near Melbourne. There is an herb garden in my apartment building, but I don't have much to do with it or use the produce. What are you going to grow @ArraDreaming? RiverSeal 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Ah this season we have, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cale, cauliflower, cabbage red and green, snow peas, strawberries (still producing they were a late bloomer), carrots, broad beans, leek, onions, garlic, coriander, parsley (too much of), sage, thyme, mulberry tree, olive tree, lemon tree, lime tree, mandarine tree, passion fruit vine, and a small fig tree in a pot that isn’t travelling so well, @RiverSeal 

That’s just my home garden….