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Re: Does anyone want to talk

@tyme I wanted to tell you this given you have little kids in your life and would find it funny
middle kid said this arvo “what you doing?” And I “responding to this email then paying a bill but we can play in 5 mins when I’m done”
“Oh…. YAWN”

I said pardon?
He said the word “yawn”

he thinks because yawn = boring you have to actually say the word
Now he’s saying it to everything he doesn’t like 🤣🤣🤣
“We are having potato for dinner”

Re: Does anyone want to talk

then we said mate if something is so boring it’s making you yawn you have to actually at least pretend… he thinks it’s hilarious @tyme

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hahahaha @ArraDreaming ! From the middle kid??? I would expect it from the eldest!


They will run you in circles!

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hahah send help @tyme I think he got it from us because I remember saying in an adult conversation “it was so boring yawning the whole time” hahaha

Re: Does anyone want to talk

These kids exhaust me lol @tyme the attitude and the sass every day
my favourite of them all is….
“if I put peanut butter in your hair would you have to cut your hair off”
“Yeah probably so don’t”
“Ok because I want you to cut your hair off”

Re: Does anyone want to talk

🤣🤣 @ArraDreaming your kids aspiring hair dressers? 


I remember being soooo obsessed with stuffed animals growing up, I had SO MANY. And I also had scissors.... I would occasionally give them hair cuts then get super upset because it wouldn't grow back 😅


I even had this super cute echidna (90% of my toys were aussie animals, cos aussie animals are easily the cutest in the world, I will die on this hill) and instead of spikes, it just had fur. And I snipped it all off! So it was like a naked mole rat after that 😝

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@Jynx I sleep with one eye open at all times for that kind of reason

Re: Does anyone want to talk




Re: Does anyone want to talk

Well if you start dreaming about peanut butter @ArraDreaming you better know how to wake yourself up! 🤣🤣

Re: Does anyone want to talk

how is everyone’s Friday going?
between labelling and stamps,
puzzles with my kid, and some playing with the baby it has been a nice chill day off here we even had a production line going at one stage for my mrs baby clothing stuff she had me working 😂
I even made her a stand to hang the clothes up at the markets @Zoe7 @tyme