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Re: Does anyone want to talk

Thanks @Zoe7

I realised I didn’t tell you much about our holiday
we had the best time
It was short but so amazing we did so many great things as a big and little family
I even got some gardening done, different climate to here for gardening though

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Holidays are never long enough @ArraDreaming but I am so pleased you had a good time - and got some gardening in cool. I am off to Sydney next week - just a few days but I am looking forward to it. I won't be doing much as funds are tight but a few days away will be nice. I am going to miss my fur babies though.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

yeah i got to help with their veggie garden, things grow so fast up there @Zoe7 I planted seeds and they were seedlings within 4 days that would take weeks here

Sydney will be fun! What are you going with the fur babies are they going somewhere or someone coming in?

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Mum is going to stay each night with them @ArraDreaming She will go home during the day. It is going to be a lot for her - and I am a bit worried about her travelling so much but she is happy to do it for me. Usually my sister would look after them but she will be at work ...and her dog is not great so Mum is doing it for me.


I am going to an exhibition so I am looking forward to that.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

That’s nice of your mum to do that @Zoe7

@Jynx still no confirmation on the old green machine! all day while I was at work Mrs arradreaming kept sending me links saying look you can get this for our budget? I’m like ah no thanks 🙏

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Oh cool what exhibition @Zoe7


@ArraDreaming haha I'm guessing that until either you get the green machine, or it slips from you (hope not!), all other cars are just not even worth considering 😂

Re: Does anyone want to talk

would go another 4WD or a dual cab @Jynx ideally a LandCruiser, but
budget wise…………a bike, probably more realistic .

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Awww @ArraDreaming Mrs A is not coming to the party ....yet. I am sure you will work your magic on her 💕


@Jynx I can't say ...I have a piece in the exhibition and have been asked to speak so best not to say anything ...maybe after I will be able to.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

in the end ijust want something to pack the whole family in for camping trips and towing trailers and the like @Zoe7 that’s the aim, like what I had before

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hope you can find something appropriate and that you like @ArraDreaming I have a small 4WD which is great for towing the trailer (and getting into tight spots). I know how you feel about your old car - I love mine.