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Lost & crazy.

I have heightened and flared up moments of anxiety/depression all the time. But this time is different. 
I feel like I'm going crazy. I feel like I have no control over my mind and thoughts. I struggle with obsessive thinking but I've never really talked to anyone about it. If I talk to my partner, they just brush it off to try and calm me down - but that just makes me feel even more crazy. Not to mention I get crazy jealous and obsessive over him & his ex - which controls me all the time. 
I've struggled with anxiety/depression for most of my life. I've been on medication for 2 years but I don't feel like they do much anymore.
This flare up is different. Usually I can get myself out of the depressed-feeling-hole and usually I don't cry but now I'm on the verge of crying 24/7 plus all the same depressed feelings weighing me down.

I'm isolated from my mum because of COVID, she's my safety. 
I'm exhausted and weak and foggy. 
Not sure where to go from here. 


Re: Lost & crazy.

Im one of the moderators here, Dockers6, thank you for sharing your pain, always a powerfully brave starting point. The forum is an amazing place to connect. Hopefully as everyone wakes up they will be able to support you, and offer up each and everyone's diverse experiences.

Please reach out to the crisis supports if you feel you need to.


Re: Lost & crazy.

@coldcoffeegirl  Welcome to the forums.


I’m sorry you are struggling with depression and anxiety. You mentioned being on meds. Have to discussed how you are feeling with your GP ? Sometimes they need to be assessed. He might suggest therapy also.


I know lockdown is really hard for many people, and being away from your mum, your safety, is really really hard.


You are not alone here in your struggles. So many of us are struggling with similar situations. 


If you would like to join other conversations, you are welcome.


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Re: Lost & crazy.

Welcome @coldcoffeegirl 

It is great that you have reached out


There are so many wonderful people here who can relate to how you are feeling ( I am one of them)... we are here to support you virtually.  


Feel free to take a look around... share your story... 

you may not always get a response straight away.. but be comforted that someone will come along and read your post... sometimes they just support... sometimes they offer a hug or some advice.

We are all here for eachother..
