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Re: Good Morning!

yeah I may have said before , but seen people at cheap motel I stay at sometimes that looked like they were living there @Stout  cant be easy.

maybe you could 'flip' things like we used to do when doing dirty horrible 84 hour/week jobs it an 'Adventure' ..

Re: Good Morning!

Yep, back on the day @TAB the oldies used to say life's an adventure. They used to say a lot of other things too.

I'm super adventurous anyway, but I prefer being in control of the adventure. Never know I spose how it'll pan out. 

Re: Good Morning!

bit the same @Stout  i try and plan every last detail, but can be more fun when get a curve-ball

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks for chatting @TAB , it's kept me grounded.

Re: Good Morning!

thats okay @Stout  bit depressed here. cat that dropped in herea few months ago has decided to takeoff again, can hearing at neighbours(prob where it came from) 

maybe it got sick of me, was only eating and sleeping here in the end,was elsewhere rest of time 

Re: Good Morning!

hey @TAB was just scrolling through and the word 'cat' caught my eye - cats are so mysterious sometimes, I reckon it'll come sneaking back soon 😁


Re: Good Morning!

think it had been abandoned @rav3n  it was a fleeting shadow few months back then sad eyed.then strutting around the place getty picky w food, then staying out longer and getting jumpy inside. last tenant here prob left it behind. just thought today what if it belonged to crazy person who put 2 cops in hosp with samarai sword 50 metres from here just before I moved here, they didnt take kindly to that so one that still could shot him about 6 times lol. old women used to follow this guy and send videos to police etc 

Re: Good Morning!

woah that would definitely be a wild and interesting backstory, could write a whole biography about it. so good of you to take care of the cat @TAB, did you give her/him a name?

Re: Good Morning!

yeah like a street cat named Bob @rav3n  lol no , didnt name it really spoke re-cycled cat-talk from last cat fm 16 years ago, it would wave its ears like it hated the sound of it last few times saw it

Re: Good Morning!

ahh i see @TAB 

haha "street cat named Bob" sounds like a fun children's book title!