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Re: Topic Tuesday // Loneliness in smaller communities // Tues 26th March, 7pm AEDT

Sit by the river counting ducks. I'm doing that tomorrow with another lady. We're both in the same situation so no pressure to talk. Just something new

Re: Topic Tuesday // Loneliness in smaller communities // Tues 26th March, 7pm AEDT

I live in a small community. The problem is everyone knows everyone.-- same here @BlueBay 

hello @Former-Member , @Sim1 , @Former-Member , @Former-Member , @Former-Member 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Loneliness in smaller communities // Tues 26th March, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Shaz51  and welcome 🙂 Heart


@Sim1 Oh that sounds very lovely. Please let us know how the duck trip goes 🙂 She has also lost someone close to suicide? You've touched on something I personally love as well, when you feel comfortable enough with another human to just exist alongside them, no words necessary - just presence, how nice.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Loneliness in smaller communities // Tues 26th March, 7pm AEDT

That sounds really nice @Sim1 😊

Re: Topic Tuesday // Loneliness in smaller communities // Tues 26th March, 7pm AEDT

There is limited job opportunities in our area. It makes it very difficult.

To better your job opportunities you need to travel further out.-- same here @BlueBay , @Former-Member 

and our biggest gossip place is the Hairdreeses

Hello @Former-Member Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Loneliness in smaller communities // Tues 26th March, 7pm AEDT

Ah @Shaz51  yes.. The hairdresser does not surprise me at all!


giphy (1).gif


Disengaging from gossip is challenging, but like anything once you do it enough it becomes second nature. You're valuable strong people, I have no doubt it gets tiresome at times but you can do it Heart 😄

Re: Topic Tuesday // Loneliness in smaller communities // Tues 26th March, 7pm AEDT

@Former-Member, I was born and raised here and married here too , so everyone knows me  and they all want to talk but my mr shaz has MI , and it gets too much for him

but places like the bakery and the cafe are great , but i have not donethis in alllloooongg time

Re: Topic Tuesday // Loneliness in smaller communities // Tues 26th March, 7pm AEDT

She also lost her son. Our boys were both 33 & there are so many similarities. Her struggle is recent, mine started 19 months ago. I asked her in a message if she'd like a coffee by the river with someone who completely understands the total gut wrenching pain. She accepted. I'm hoping we can help each other just by being there. I thought counting ducks was a good way of reflection 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Loneliness in smaller communities // Tues 26th March, 7pm AEDT

That is beautiful @Sim1 thank you so much for sharing. I am sorry, you both lost your boys very young. Have you heard of the organisation Compassionate Friends? I would recommend checking them out here if not 🙂 


You are definitely well versed @Shaz51  Thank you for sharing, good to hear there are some good spots to spend time at the very least 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // Loneliness in smaller communities // Tues 26th March, 7pm AEDT

Second last question for everyone! Heart


It’s super easy to ruminate, and begin to point the finger inadvertently at ourselves when  we feel socially isolated. It’s even easier when our mental health symptoms are at the forefront. What are some other ways we can exercise self-compassion when we are going through a lonely period?